extra fields in dispatch

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Today 6:56 PM
Is it possible to put an extra fields in the dispatch form? I think it comes in handy when you are booking several flights in advance qand you could use it to write down some notes. Just something similar as in the charter booking where you file your flightpan
Jeroen, sorry I wasn't around the last days. I'm afraid I need a more detailed description of what you mean exactly. As I understand it you'd like to have a free form field in the flightplan (or briefing) page for notes?
Fact is that the briefing and flight plan are generated on the fly each time you select a booked flight. There's no data stored except the session data (it's the same reason why you can't go back to a certain flight plan/briefing after closing the browser). That means there's always only one flight plan. If you select a different booking the briefing and flightplan data of the previous booking is overwritten which would also delete any notes you included through such a field.

I will think about how to store flightplans with the bookings but this would complicate things a lot and involve a whole redesign of the code. Can't be done in the near future.
Hi Peter,

As far as I understand you are talking about two different things. One is the booking and the other the flightplan generated from the booking. I understand the flightplan is generated on the fly, as you said, but it is generated from the details profided in the booking, which is stored in the database untill you actually fly your route and submit a pirep.

What I had in mind was a general multi-line text field in the booking that will also be displayed when you select to view the flightplan. When viewing your booking the data is generated on the fly, but it must come from somewhere, doesn't it?

Anyway, if it's too much to do in the near future, I can understand that. As a solution around the problem I now use Google Notebook. I just copy and paste my flightplan into Notebook and ad there any other details I want, like real world flight number for the an airline, what I also use in the VPA I fly for.

I hope this makes a bit clearer what I was suggesting.

Thanks, Jeroen. Yes, it makes things a bit clearer and I will try to work something out. Maybe not immediately but in the "nearer" future ;)
I see some layout difficulties displaying these notes in the flightplan. As of now the plan fits on one standard page (in Germany that's size A4; no idea for other countries). If you add notes (as these can be variable in size) it may not fit anymore. Anyway, we'll have to adjust the print layout some day because Norbert wants all route waypoints displayed in the plan (also with fields to note time and fuel values etc.) which won't fit either.

For the moment, wouldnt it be easiest to just print the plan and add any notes manually? Just wondering.
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