FSFK 3.0

Users Local time
Today 2:04 PM
I´m about to download the update and I wonder if this new version will still be supported by Air Child.
Hello Carlos,

shure, we will support FS Flightkeeper 3.0
FS Flightkeeper is the best Tool we have. Thomas Molitor, developer of FS Flightkeeper and Air-Child Pilot ACH0012, has given us the Beta Version of FS Flightkeeper 3.0. So we have had the chance to test it in the past.
If Peter is back from the FS Weekend in the Netherland, he will do all necessery programming to support FSFK 3.0
3.0 will work with the current Air Child services. It just adds some new features, but is still fully backwards compatible.


Great to have you here, Thomas. One last question, to update, can I install the 3.0 version over the previous 2.8 one, or I have to uninstall the old version? if so, what happens with all the settings (VA settings, Air Crew voices, etc?. Thanks.
Any previous version will be automatically uninstalled. Don't worry about your user files (database, templates, etc.) as they will remain at their location. Before installing 3.0 you should however export all the sound profiles you have created. After the install you can copy your templates, database, etc. to the FSFK storage folder under "My Documents\FS Flight Keeper". Then select the templates, database, etc. in the FSFK options dialog.


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