New hub out of Switzerland

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Today 8:52 AM
Hello all,

is there any chance to have a hub in Switzerland with regular flights ? I assume there are number of people who would be interested, maybe we can do some voting.

I understand that having a hub in each country does not make much sence for the airline, but on other side I would prefer to use regular flights as do the charter flights. (at the moment most of my regular flights going to/out EHAM or LOWW)

Being a newbie I am still flying ATR72 and Fokker 100, the next would be ERJ and A320.

I am open to any swiss airport as hub, of course with preference of my home location Basel LFSB :)
Most probably Zurich makes much more sence.

What are your thoughts ?

Rainer, at the moment we have too many HUB's in europe in relation to the rest of the world. But there is no problem to add flights to LFSB or LSZH. Just tell me if you have some prefired destinations and it will be my plesure to add some flights to the TimeTable.
Hello Norbert,

great proposal thanks.

I would love to have out of LFSB:
1. ATR72 to EDDK and back
2. ATR72 to LOWW and back
3. ATR72 to Barcelona and back
4. ATR72 to EDDM and back
5. ATR72 to LOWI and back

and out of LSZH
6. F100 to Barcelona and back
7. F100 to Porto and back
8. F100 to Stockholm

If you can create that routes => great, if not => no problem, I do not want to bother anyone.

Rainer Sabelfeld said:
If you can create that routes => great,
Yes I can!
Rainer Sabelfeld said:
...if not => no problem, I do not want to bother anyone.
Bother? No, not at all. As I said before: It will be my plesure. But I need some days. Next week I have to work outside and the following weekend, one of my doughters are wedding. So please stand by ;)
Hello Rainer,

please search for the new
F100, PH-ENU (Eppu Nuotio)
AT72, D-ASUH (Susanna Haavisto)

We hope you will like it.

Best regards
Norbert and Mario
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