
Users Local time
Today 10:22 AM
Good afternoon,
since a few days, i have problem with fsAcars...
When i want to accept the flight done , a got an error message: Tampered Log !!!!
So i can't upload LOg ...
I need some help please. :idea:
That was mentioned multiple times on forums:
FS Acars is not exacly working as intended. Use at own risk.

I would use x-acars in Your place, it works with fs same as with x-plane. It has some minor flaws with live server connection (and managing flight distance log) but works for most time, even offline.
I mean, that IF xacars loose connection to live server it stops calculating flown distance, so You will have full pirep but with incorrect distance. As far as i remember currentlyflight distance from xacars is calculated on server side, because calculated in xacars is not sent in pirep.
hello, since the last fly i have done, there is a problem with my flights hours .....
sorry for this bug...
Eric, your flight EHAM - LEPA was reported 3 times - one report was with flight number ACH0452 (your PID) and without a tail number (that's why it didn't display in the list). I filled in the tail number, just so you can see this report which has the messed up block time in it.
The second report seems to be the good one, third report has a flight time and distance of zero.

Although they all seem to be sent today at 08:43, all reports show different IN/OUT times. Very weird :think:

I will correct your flights, times and pilot record later. Just wanted you to have a look at it. Maybe you can remember what happened when you sent those reports.
Eric, your data has been adjusted. I was hoping for some kind of feedback to my post above but ... nevermind.
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