Simulator upgrade 9 -> X

Users Local time
Today 10:52 PM
Hy everybody!

I'm converting my FS from 9 to X. 8) I'd like to run both versions for quite some time on the same PC.

Are there any thing to be take care of before I start? :think: Or during the installation process ?? :S
For example one of my question is, do I have to install 2 times FS Inn? one for FS9 the other installation for FS X :S ???

I have FS Inn, AES, FS Pax, reg. FSUIPC, and some different A/C models. :)
Thx in advance for your help.

Fly safe

I ran both of them together for a little while without any major problems. I seem to recall the FSX installation messing up the FS9 registry, so you may need to run the fs registry fix.

I don't know about fsinn etc, but I know FS Pax does not work on fsx, and you will need to purchase a fsx licence for it to work.
I also don't think the majority of payware (pmdg etc) planes from fs9 are compatible with fsx. (though there is a free update for Flight 1 ATR if you own that)
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