XACARS flight distance always 0

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Today 10:51 PM
Hi there!

I´ve done some modifications to my system and am back to flying now :)
Now that most problems are fixed there´s one thing that still annoys me.

I´ve searched the XACARS website and the board without any results.

Whenever I use XACARS to report my flights the total flight distance in the report
is 0nm. I suppose XACARS usually tracks the movement of the aircraft and not the user during the flight. :lol:

At first I thought this to be a FSUPIC-problem, the other values seem reasonable however.

Maybe someone around here has had the same problem and knows a workaround.

Thanks a lot

Edit: I used FSX for those flights.
XAcars in 2.5.0 track airplane flown distance, BUT does not send it in report. Flown distance is calculated on pirep server (ACH webpage) during each live update period, based on actual plane position (lat/long) sent by acars, vs past position + total flown distance.

If You have any connection p[roblems, like disconnecting from net You will loose live tracking, and total flight distance will be save as one from archives. Xacars cant relogin in live tracking server after losing connection, and such login is required to track flown distance...

So in short - Xacars flown distance 0nm or LOW value == connection problems between xacars and live tracking server.
Daniel, everything that Szymon wrote above is correct. There is no distance transmission in the flight report of XAcars, only in the Acars stream, while you are connected during your flight. I suppose you are doing your flights offline and only go online to send your report. Is that right?

I'm trying to figure out some solution for this situation. The XAcars developper told us to include overall distance with the report in the next version, but I don't know when that is going to be ready.

Btw: Bernhard Harb from the XAcars team told us that the website http://www.xacars.net has been restored after a disk crash and is running again.
Thanks a lot for both answeres!

It´s no problem for me to maintain the connection during my flights, now that I know about problem :) .

Have a great day!
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