Online livery

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Today 10:59 AM
Hello Captains,

here another questions for you veterans: when I connect to VATSIM via Squawkbox, to be precise where I enter my flight number and VATSIM password to connect, I must specify my airplace and airline / livery but I cannot find our VA in that (although long) list. Any advices? I fear if we meet in the skies you'll see my plane with wrong colours... Thanks for your advices.
Um, yeah ... good question ... coming up once a year ;) The sad truth is, we still don't have a working set of VIP liveries for Squawkbox. I gave up on the subject after several useless attempts. The most promising efforts to date were made by Tomasz Wydrzynski, last year. Tomasz created a couple of VIP repaints (the easier part) and also managed to make them visible to Squawkbox (the harder part). You can see how it looks, here:

Currently, I don't know what the status of this project is. Maybe Tomasz will read this post and jump in with some news.

As we explained in a couple of other threads, the problem is mainly with SB. FsInn users can use existing aircraft and repaints for the AI traffic. However, as most of our repaints are for payware models, this isn't the best solution, either.
Seems we should revive the activities here, and also include liveries for the IVAO Ivap client.

Volunteers? Anyone? :think:
Dear Peter

I wish my IT-skills were better, but I am afraid I cannot help with that. I hope somebody else can fix this as it is a shame that our VA colours are not seen by our fellow pilots in Vatsim. All the hours of work invested to draw our liveries are clearly wasted if we continue to fly online under the colours of "Aegean Seagull" and the like... :(
Giuseppe Alvaro said:
it is a shame that our VA colours are not seen by our fellow pilots in Vatsim
I agree, it's a shame. But that's the drawback of being a fictional airline, as opposed to the usual suspects like American, BA, Air France etc. They were all included with the first squawkbox install (although some older ones are hard to identify nowadays...).
Even if we finish the vip liveries for the entire fleet, most people on Vatsim wouldn't see them because they have to download and install them first. Once we're there we will offer them here, as well as on Avsim and on the Squawkbox site. But let's face the truth: most people who are not a member of the VA will not bother.
The problem is that the responsibility for squawkbox liveries and updates for the community lies with squawkbox and not with Vatsim. In my opinion this was always a weak point.
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