[2/8, 18z, LIRF-LQSA] Irhad Durakovic Memorial Flight

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Today 11:40 AM
This time please accept an invitation from EASTAVIA Virtual, on the very sad occiasion:
EASTAVIA Virtual has decided to organize group flight to Sarajevo airport in honor of Irhad Durakovic who lost his battle for life on 27th of July 2011 at age of 24, after long period of illness. Very enthusiastic, young man who was director of VACC Bosnia and Herzegovina, had always supported our company in growth and development, also our company has very close partnership with VACC BiH. In that name we want to call on all our pilots and other pilots from Italy to take part in our group flight to Sarajevo airport at 2nd of August 2011 at 18:00 UTC. Group flight will take place from Rome Fiumicino airport (LIRF) at 18:00 UTC time. More about event you will find down.

Our company has arranged with Tutoric Nikola all details about this event and normally full ATC will be online during the event. More about Irhad Durakovic and his illness you can find if you click on following link: / (only Bosnian language is avalaible on website, but this is official presentation of Irhad's illness, you can try with some translator it might be useful).

Starting time: 18:00 UTC Time (20:00 local Rome time)
Departing airport: Rome Fiumicino LIRF
Arrival airport: Sarajevo-Butmir LQSA
Suggested route: TIBER UL995 INSOX UN982 TINIX UL5 GILUK


Charts for SARAJEVO LQSA airport-
Charts for ROME FIUMICINO airport-


Scenery for Sarajevo airport -
Scenery for Rome Fiumicino airport (compatabile only for FS2004, scenery for FSX is not available) -

We're calling all EASTAVIA pilots and pilots from other virtual airline to join in our memorial group flight to Sarajevo airport!

Official document you can find .
Just a brief remark for clarification.

While all VAs are certainly free to pay their tributes and respects in such sad occasions at their own leisure, this Eastavia event is not the official memorial event which is being organized by VACCBiH on a much larger scale and scheduled to take place around mid-August (currently tracking aug 16th but official announcement is yet to come on VATSIM forums). The event is taking a while to organize, due to the planned dedicated webpage launch, the preparation of full ATC coverage in BiH and all neighbouring FIRs, the preparation of routes, maps and instructions for low passes, planned movie captures and editing and so on. Once the details have been ironed out and announced officially by VACCBiH, I'll post a reminder here, but meanwhile of course all Air Child pilots are very welcome to fly to Sarajevo and other BiH airports tonight or whenever they please. It's a beautiful country with interesting fields and flying there can be very rewarding :)
The officail VACCBiH Memorial Fly-in event , it will take place on Tue, Aug 16th 18:00-21:00z and as advised earlier, I'm re-posting it here, inviting all Air Child online pilots to join:

All pilots, VAs and people of good hearts are kindly invited to fly the official farewell for Irhad R. Durakovic, our beloved vACCBiH Founder who passed away due to his illness nvCJD on end July 2011 at early age of 24.

vACCBiH will in co-operation with surrounding vACCs and several VAs hold this memorial fly in and cover his hometown Sarajevo/LQSA and Bosnia-Herzegovina (primarly enroute) with full ATC.

Your only job is to visit his Sarajevo, overfly his grave at Vlakovo Cemetery (between KG NDB and threshold runway 12 on APP/DEP LQSA runway 12/30) from which he now can watch all Sarajevo-planes passing him as they did over his flat at Ilidza-suburb, and thereby show him your respect and farewell.

We will do the rest and the fly in will not only contain a classical crowded Sarajevo fly in with holds and contra flow operations as he most liked, but also different happenings in respect and memory of Irhad.

To make it a remembered farewell, please download and check following:
- (PDF from vACCBiH)
- (PDF from vACCBiH)
- (ZIP from vACCBiH, FS9 ONLY)
- (ZIP from vACCBiH, FS9 & FSX, same scenery as above, but no Photo Ground)

All additional information on . Alternate charts link for Bosnia-Herzegovina. Scenery also on FlightSim.

Don't hesitate spreading the message by quoting this on your forums, as well asking if you have any questions!

On behalf of vACCBiH, welcome to Bosnia-Herzegovina and farewell to our Irhad, may he rest in peace.
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