Need advice with Repaint

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Today 11:47 PM
I try to adapt repaint of Level D 767 for FSX, and I have some problems with Level D repaint tutorial. I need some good step by step tutorial if somebody know where I can find something like this, please - let me know!
I uploaded some pics with LVLD 767 repaint problem:
I don't want to start from zero given that we allready have a good repaint for fs9.
Any ideas how to fix that? Or some repaint tutorials for me? :(

Not sure what has happened to the repaint there in the screen shots..

I have just quickly tried to convert the textures from fs9, so if you want to give these a try. (I am not on my pc with flight sim at the minute)


Just remove your texture folder, and replace it with this one.

(obviously you will need to rename the folder if you have it named something different in the aircraft.cfg )

Edit, home now and tested and working. I've removed the above file, and will upload the complete repaint to the hangar very shortly :)
That's great Andrew, I was just starting on the Level-D paintkit for FSX, this saves me lots of work :lol:

I might give a look at the winglets though, might be a nice addition.
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