Team speak anybody?

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Today 2:41 AM
Hi to all I 've been flying quite often ,but haven' had a chance to catch up with fellow pilots anybody using this instruments or fs flight keper messaging to othe acars traffic. Please don't hesitate and vote how many people use it .Just would like to get an idea> Cheers Petr :think:
Hello Petr, I'm allways using FS flight Keeper but not the ACARS part of this nice tool. But it's one of our dreams for the Air-Child economic part, that we will have our own ACARS system. E.G. While flying, you will get weather updates for your destination. And if the weather minima becomes to low (regarding of your rank) you will get a message, that you are not allowed to land at your destination but have to fly to your alternate.
Why not using acars It realy good I set it for messaging to each other but no people on the other side little bit sad . Must say good VA but missing some hello from others while in the air. With that other acars I was using fs captain fcom nice tool exactly what u said landing minima weather report of position automated loading took 29 min to board 747 only things it did not have so many cool things as fsk . Perhaps fsk could be modified buy developer to suit more o Va . cheers petr hope to see you on team speak
Petr Sach said:
Why not using acars It realy good I set it for messaging to each other but no people on the other side little bit sad .
OK, maybe my reason is a little bit special. I have a home cockpit and so I dont have a panel screen but only a outside view :!:
Petr Sach said:
hope to see you on team speak
When flying, I'm allways looking into team speak. But please have a look at my personal pireps. I don't have time to fly very often. Sometimes I'm working out of home, and when at home, I have to manage a nice VA ;) So the chance to see me in the sky is not so big :'(
Mate even a small chance is still a chance and we all appreciate your hard work it is pleasure to fly for air child . Cheers petr
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