Latelly straggle to file vatsim plan

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Today 10:53 AM
Hi anybody has same issue . From book flight I click to file the plan then new window gets open but for as it used to be prefilled with flight plan now is empty even if I fill everything nothing gets sent so have to do it in fsx when online that is in explored . Before I was useing firfox but no I can not go to va from firefox the window hasn't got side navigation so I canot click anywhere. I was trying to resize it in page option but no success. Anybody any hints with firefox please . Cheers petr :S
Petr Sach said:
I can not go to va from firefox the window hasn't got side navigation so I canot click anywhere.
Petr, are you browsing from a Mac or PC? We recently noticed this effect on Firefox 3/MacOS X. I only fixed it on the home page, for now. Do you also see no navigation on homepage? If it's ok on home page it will be fixed soon on all other pages. I need a little time, though.

I've never noticed the effect on any of the major PC browsers in Windows.

For the empty VATSIM prefile form: which browser are you using now? Which platform? Which OS?

Edit: I just noticed that the prefiling to VATSIM doesn't work at all, no matter which browser. No changes here from our side, and all parameters are correctly included. This seems more like a problem with the VATSIM form. Let's wait and see. If it still persists tomorrow I will have a look at Vatsim forums. Or maybe someone else finds something in the meantime...

[EDIT again] See here: ... 90#p426965

:dizzy: :ffox:
ok thanks for quick reply, I was using firfox ,but then I swith to microsoft web browser it did work ,but last two days the for stays empty even when I filled it manualy after clicking on send flight plan no mesage that flight plan willbe store for two hours in vatsim. Well after loging on vatsim in fsx via fsinn the flight plan isn't there .Must be me or vatsim .With the firefox I don't get the page fully display I mean size of it therefore no navigation between pages only main page then if I click pilot lounge no options seen after . I am sure that would be my pc :( Cheer Petr
Petr Sach said:
I am sure that would be my pc
No, it's a very strict interpretation of comment signs in Firefox. Doesn't happen in many cases, though. I'm currently fixing this, step by step. In the meantime best use Safari or Opera. Or try an update of FF.

Petr, can you still tell me your Windows version and current Firefox version? Just for info. Thx!
Peter Schindler said:
prefiling to VATSIM doesn't work at all, no matter which browser...
As far as I could see, it's working again. Seems that Vatsim staff made a couple of server changes, lately, resulting in several problems with prefiling, ServInfo etc.
Yah it is working now even my firfox is happyt now . Don't know But did not change anything just from today all seems back to normall. Thanks again and sorry for this hassle
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