fsflight keeper

Users Local time
Today 10:33 AM
Hi has anybody succesfully use fsk with messaging to other ACH traffic I alway log in see couple of people but unable to send message . I think I have everything allowed to reciev and send message.
Please let me know would like to use tool. Cheers Petr :?:
Maybe no one has installed ACARS device(me for example :lol: ), so they can not receive messages. I'm going to install ACARS device and we can try if you want, when we are online at the same time :idea:
Petr Sach said:
Hi has anybody succesfully use fsk with messaging
I tried this once with Norbert, just for testing. Works ok, but if you run squawkbox it's easier to use the private chat - or voice chat on teamspeak.
I must admit I dont even remember how to use it ;)
I found how to do this. Would be complicated if I try to explain, It's well described here:
start Fs Flight Keeper, go to "File", "options(CTRL+O)", then click to messaging and press "help" and select "messaging" from index(on the right hand side). Double click on it and folow the instructions to register to messaging service. That's all!
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