Improving look of FSX

Users Local time
Tomorrow 12:34 AM
I found this freeware today:
FS Water Configurator is a freeware addon utility for Microsoft Flight Simulator X designed to modify the look of the reflective water in the game. It will increase the realism of the reflections and lighting of the water.
I like it very much, I recomand FSWC+ with controls the following things:
•Horizon reflection intensity
•Vertical reflection intensity
•Horizon/vertical reflection interpolation curve
•Texture colour saturation
•Texture colour brightness
•Diffuse shading dynamic responce*
•Reflection distortion
•Wave animation scale
•Wave animation speed
•Wave animation height
•Whitecap intensity**
•Whitecap probability**
•Sun specular reflection intensity
•Moon specular reflection intensity
•Specular reflection focus
•Specular reflection gain
•Specular reflection blend
•Moon diffuse glow intensity
Much important thing - no FPS impact!

I found one payware too,check the forum
I will try this tomorrow and give you a feedback.
I tried a second program, it is a very good shader, It improves how landscapes look very much and costs only 7,75 Euros. I noticed only one problem now - with landing and taxi lights, for that reason I don't use it at night, you can't see anyway all these wonderful shaded regions. I will try to upload some pictures tomorrow, now i must go to bed becouse in the morning I have to go to work early. :(
Pictures FSWC+ Shader

ok guys, here are the pictures as I promised, with FS Water Configurator and New very good shader for FSX

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