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One more time as a supporter of the Balkan region skies it's my pleasure to invite all ACH pilots to an event in LYBE on the 7th of October, 2011. Full details below:


October 7th


With the summer of 2011 behind us, we are enjoying the last warm days and preparing for the winter. We thought, what better way to say goodbye to the summer than an event? And that is why we now present you the BELGRADE VA FLY-IN 2011 EVENT by Air Serbia Virtual and SCGvACC.

Our goal is to have as many VAs as possible fly during the 4 hour time frame and visit Serbia's capital - Belgrade (LYBE).

During the event, full ATC will be provided and the only thing you have to do is fly and have fun!
We will keep track on the number of flights/pilots and after the event we will publish the stats so we can see what VA flew the most. We hope that this will give you, the pilots, a motivation to fly as much as you can.

The event will be held on October 7th 2011 starting from 1700z and ending at 2100z.
The departure/arrival field will be Belgrade Nikola Tesla International Airport (LYBE/BEG).

The official webpage for the event with scenery/charts and other relevant info is at http://www.skysim.net/vaflyinevents/
This sounds like fun!

I am EXTREMELY new to vatsim flying and hope I do ok. Are we getting in TS for this..?
Just a reminder, this event is tomorrow and from what I'm hearing it will be busy and fun indeed.

In preparation and anticipation, here's the pilot briefing for the event:

--- Pilot Briefing ---

Event date: October 7th 2011
Event time: 1700z-2100z
Arrival/Departure Field: Belgrade Nikola Tesla International Airport (LYBE/BEG)
Charts (Jeppesen): http://www.scgvacc.net/charts/ap/LYBE.pdf
Scenery (Freeware): http://www.scgvacc.net/download/scenery/LYBE_v_3.1.zip
Note: Payware scenery is available on simmarket. Charts are a must. Scenery would be good, but not mandatory.

**Airport Briefing**

Ground Operations
Belgrade doesn't have DEL and GND (accept in Low Visible Procedures) so all ground operations and takeoffs are handled by Belgrade TWR. It is like this in real life because there is not usually much traffic. As in RL, no GND or DEL positions will be online. Please be patient when on the ground.
Belgrade doesn't have ATIS so you must request "departure information" for weather info. You will be given the full METAR report but please readback ONLY the QNH and runway in use.
The airport has a single 10000ft/3000m runway - 12/30.
The airport can accommodate all types of aircraft though the amount of stands for wide body jets (767/A330 and above) so we advise pilots of wide body aircraft to stay on the gate as short as possible before departure/ after arrival (if another departure is not planned).
The stands for heavy aircraft are C1A, C3A, C5A, B7 and the JAT Maintanace area. Stand info is on the charts.
Pilots of prop planes should note that vacating runway 30 to the left via D and E is not permitted. Continue your roll-out and vacate via C please.

Departure Operations

All departures are assigned a SID and squawk code. The initial altitude is not given as it is 6000 for all departures as stated on the charts.
If you can not follow a SID, let us know.
The departure frequency for all departures is 119.100.
When contacting departure please only report your callsing and routing and keep your transmissions short.

Ex. Airline 123, with you, following VAL 2D.
The transition altitude is 10000ft.
Passing the vertical terminal area (FL145) you will be handed off to CTR.

Arrival Operations

Arriving traffic is usually given vectors for ILS approach but please be ready to accept STARs.
When descending through Transition Level which is calculated by QNH (<1012 -> TL120, >1012 -> TL 110) you will be given an instruction like this

Airline 123, descend altitude 5000ft, QNH 1013, transition level 120, number 2 in traffic, no atc speed restrictions.

Please read-back only altitude and qnh.

Switching to tower, only report runway and approach type.

No need to report on blocks.

Thank you for taking your time to read this!
We hope you will have a great event with us!
when i have time this evening i will participate, but i go tomorow in a camp and momentan i'm not ready to go :)

when i Fly i will be on TS, hope to see some of us at Belgrade.

Greetings from Switzerland
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