
Christian Neumann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 8:11 AM
just one short question. As Xacars has sometimes trouble to start, I think about FsFlightkeeper to watch and report. Is the test-version for the time beeing enough, or do I have to register it to get it work with the Pirepserver,
Hi Chris,
I think FS Flightkeepr is the best "blackbox" ever made.
I use it from long years ago and all my Air-Child flights have been recorded and sent with it.
I allow many features and Its quality is perfect.

I guess you've to puchase it to have all the features working.
It is not a high price for the services proposed.

Don't hesitate....

Pierre ;)
Christian, the test version has full functionality for 30 days. Absolutely no difference to the retail version and good for Air-Child reports. In case you consider buying it, tell us - you are entitled to a 10 € discount, but we have to send your pilot ID and email address to Aerosoft, first.
There are some differences, like you can only save 3 records at a time, so you will need to keep deleting one of your records before flying a new flight.
Only one Pilot and Logbook can be created
Only three flights can be stored in the Database at a time
Export of Reports, Logbooks, Flights via Mail is not possible (sending PIREPs via Web is possible)
No manual download of METARs
No automatic download of METARs for navigation points (or the position report)
Instant Messaging is not available
Hotkeys can be configured, but are not activated
Some ACARS Device functions are not available:

System Status
Aircraft Status
Weather for the next and after next waypoints
Airport Information
Navaid Information

World Map limitations:

Saving the map display is not possible
No AI Traffic display
No weather display
No flight events will be displayed
No printing allowed
Hi guys, thanks for the fast replies. Obviously, you all have good experiences with FSFK. so, I think I made my desicion.
@ Peter: I woud appriciate, if you would give my data to aerosoft, so I can get the lower price.
Thanks in advance.
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