1.6 A/c per Pilot ?

Christian Neumann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 8:26 AM
Hi Guys, especially Staff people,
I don't know anything about the concept of our great VA beside what's written on the HP, but allow me one (silly?) question.
Is it realy need to have 321 A/c for 194 Pilots? and add at least one a week?
It's not a critique, it's just to understand.
Many regards
Christian Neumann said:
Hi Guys, especially Staff people,
I don't know anything about the concept of our great VA beside what's written on the HP, but allow me one (silly?) question.
Is it realy need to have 321 A/c for 194 Pilots? and add at least one a week?

No, it's not (at the moment)! But there are also some benefits for today. E.g. with every new aircraft, there will be new routes added to our database. So if you want to fly a flight that is allready in the shedule, but you want to use a different aircraft, you can book a charter flight and you will have the flightplan allready there. The more sheduled flights we will have, the more atraktive Air-Child will be for our and for new pilots.
But the important reason is, that we will need more aircrafts for our upcomming economic part, that we are working on.

And generaly: From the beginning on, our goal was to provide as much service as we can for Air-Child members. That depends on the time and the manpower we have. Sometimes more and sometimes less. But this VA will never sleep. The work is allways going on.
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