Electronic Flight Bag

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Today 8:47 AM
Hi everyone,
i've tested the "EFB" now for 30 days and i realy do like the FSX-AddOn.

Take a look on the website:

You can download a fully-functional 30-day trial version (what i did).

PLUS: there is a 2011 Christmas discount of 25% from December 3rd, 2011 until December 31st, 2011

Give it a try ... maybe you like it and it "helps" you.

Plan G works just as well and is free....
Yes, but with EFB you have all Charts(departure and arrival airport and enroute charts) updated to the latest airac, weather info, flightlog, and you can add checklist and other documents. EFB is not only flight planing tool.
Wow, that looks really good - but unfortunately it's for the wrong simulator (or may I use the wrong one).... anyway - It's a good idea for xmas for a friend of mine....

Thanks a lot

I will stay with FS Commander, FS Flightkeeper and Plan G... my charts from navigraph are good enough for virtual flying :)


Zeljko Budovic said:
Yes, but with EFB you have all Charts(departure and arrival airport and enroute charts) updated to the latest airac, weather info, flightlog, and you can add checklist and other documents. EFB is not only flight planing tool.

I know i also own the program.
In regards to Plan G Charts are available for free anyway, departure and arrival entries can be placed into Plan G which will even show them on the display, Airport diagrams including runways can be shown through Plan G for finding your way around.
Airac charges fees every new cycle anyway , weather info is updated in Plan G also and is shown on the fly. In regards to checklists I guess it depends whether you like them electronically or not.
Plan G isnt just a planning tool thats what Dispatch planner is for lol.
They are both good programs as i own both but if you wanna save cash grab Plan G.
Both these programs look awesome to me... I will have to try them out... really beats looking for charts online..:)

Thanks for the heads up..!!

(I need another monitor..hehe)
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