Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

Barthe Hogenboom

Beta Team
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Today 6:44 PM
Yesterday evening I was shocked by the news of the . My condolences to all next of kin, family and friends of the passengers and crew.

Because it is now clear this disaster was caused by a rocket attack I hope those responsible will be caught and given a fair trial. I hope it will not lead to more senseless killing and war.

More can be read on , a Dutch news website.

(If anyone on this forum thinks this topic is inappropriate or the wording is incorrect; please tell me so. I just had the feeling I had to mention this because we've a flight related site and forum.)
I concurr 100% with you! When I heard the news yesterday I was stunned. It instantly reminded me of the incident 1988 with an Iranian A/C that was downed by a Surface-Air-Missile.

Let us hope that this incident is a wake up call for all involved parties to set aside this senseless conflict - maybe then the 298 souls lost will not be lost in vain.
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