FSX Weather

Users Local time
Tomorrow 10:38 AM
Sometimes you gotta hate fsx....works well for a while then something always has to usually go wrong with it.... for me anyway. FS95 was so much simpler :lol:
Currently I cannot download any weather "Static" or "real weather" as FSX keeps informing me check my internet settings. I have checked my connection and everything is fine.
I have tried a system restore from the 5/12 didnt fix it.
I also tryed deleting my FSX.CFG and letting it rebuild - didnt fix it.
If someone has a spare moment could they please confirm that there weather is downloading correctly via FSX.
Flying online via FSINN is impossible for me atm because FSINN wants to download real weather once its connected.
Appreciate any help,

Please disregard the last message - it seems to be working fine again, maybe the server was down where the weather is loaded from ,
Anyway thats FSX for you :lol: ,

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