Just Flight 757 for free (need some help/advice)

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Today 11:18 PM
Dear colleagues,

need some help ... maybe you have an advice for me.

In my firsts days in the VA i did my flights with the DEFAULT-B737-800.
ILS-Approaching was never a problem. Touch down allways in the zone off the runway where it should be.

After downloading the 757 from Just Flight, i skiped to this plane.
ILS-Approach still no problem.

:x BUT ...

till the 500 ft announcement i'm perfect on the glidescope. 2 white sign, 2 red sign; EFB also display a perfect approach.
then it switched to 3 white, 1 red and short after to 4 white
my touchdown is now 50-100 m before the beginning of the runway.

I tried several things, regard disarming A/T and starting the flare; disarming the AP earlier or later
etc etc etc

but still ... i'm outside the zone i would like to land.

Anyone struggling with the same problems with that specific aircraft?
Anyone any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,
Does the G/S Indicator remains in center position? May you are a little to slow at the end of your approach. Your landing speed in the last flight varies up to 1000ft/min...

May you can keep an eye of your speed and tell us later ...

Thanks for your reply Oliver,

yes, localizer is near to perfect centered.
and G/S looks als pretty well.

I will take a look regarding my final-speed. will do some training approaches at EDSB and test
various things.

Any suggestion regarding my approach-speed ?

Well the problem is, that normally the Reference Speed is calculated by the FMS. I don't know, if your FMS will provide such data in the INIT Page....

If not, I would suggest a speed from 140 knots to 155 knots (depending on the landing weight). This seems to be fast enough to avoid a stall...

Give it a try.... If it doesn't work - I don't know.

Well Oliver,
doesn't seem to be a speedproblem.

I did several Approaches this afternoon and it's allways the same.
Approach-Mode is Perfect Till Arrond 500 - 600 Ft above.

Then the plane is pullend down to land infront of the runway.

I'm Pretty sure by now, this is an Aircraft-Problem. Will try to get some advice at just flight Forum.

Thanks for your advice.

Regards, Hans-Dieter
Hans-Dieter Hoferichter said:
till the 500 ft announcement i'm perfect on the glidescope. 2 white sign, 2 red sign; EFB also display a perfect approach.
then it switched to 3 white, 1 red and short after to 4 white
my touchdown is now 50-100 m before the beginning of the runway.

Little confused. If you are seeing 4 white, that means your approach is too high, so your should land half way down the runway, rather than before the start of it :?

Edit: Are you trying to do a full auto landing? and if so, does the Just Flight aircraft have auto landing capability?
You are right, Andrew

4 whites indicate that i'm too high in appr.

My "normal procedere" with the default B737-800 is:

300 ft - Announcement: A/T off
200 ft - Announcement: F1 (throttle idle)

somewhere around 50 ft AP off

As Oliver allready mentioned: my landings are too harsh (around 1000ft/min).
But touch-down was allways in the "zone"

Same procedere with 757-200 causes the plane to be pulled down and land infront of
the runway.

I did like 50 appr this afternoon/evening/night in EDSB and that's what i can say:

If i don't cut A/T off and don't use F1 then i reach the touch-zone on the runway.
I used the "show me the Glidescope-thing in FSX and i saw that the beginning of the scope
is where i have to land.

As long as i don't have any external device to handle the aircraft in a propper way (only use my mouse atm) i work on this procedere.

0. APP-Mode set
1. Glidescope catch
2. Gear down; final approach speed
3. set Altitude a bit lower than runway altitude (EDSB = 400ft)
4. desc-rate like -500 ft/min
5. on 500 ft call-out i switch on "hold altitude" (causes APP-Mode off / LOC-Mode on)

on the final stages i'm still working:

6. around 200-300 ft call-out: reduce desc-rate to -400
7. around 100 ft call-out: reduce desc-rate to -200/-300 (bring the nose up; slows down)
8. around 50 ft call-out: A/T off; throttle idle
9. AP off
10. reach the runway before the desc-rate is increasing again.

Not even 1% like in RL but ... 8) ... noone from outside can see how the pilot does his job :oops:
They will only see my perfect landing .. :lol: ...
:( ... one day.

01:01 zulu-time
Time to hit the bed

Tomorrow is another day to give it a try.

Kind regards,
and thank for all you replys,
Black Forest-Region
Hans-Dieter Hoferichter said:
200 ft - Announcement: F1 (throttle idle)

That's not ok, at boeing 737 throttle is going to idle about 30ft, try to watch some landings on youtube.
In this video you can watch all real world procedures for 737-800NG aircraft, video is done by real world 737 pilot, plane used in video is PMDG 737NGX, the best fsx aircraft ever. Take a look:

When you landing heavy airliners, you can do:
1. full autolanding - autopilot is doing all job(reduce throtle, flare etc), and you take control after touchdown(reverses and braking)
2.manuall landing - you disconect autopilot at 1000, 500, or 400ft, disconect autothrotle no later than 200ft for boeing 737, mantain vertical speed about 700ft/min and approach speed(calculated by FMC and verified by you), and then - start to reduce throttle at 50ft(depending on aircraft 50-30ft) and flare aircraft, not before 50ft anyway.
I hope that video is helpful for you!


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