xacars problem

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Today 2:25 PM
Hello everybody

I have a probleme.
Yesterday i flow the first Leg from the european tour.
I booked a charter flight went to the briefing room etc.
I put the number in the acars,with dep/arr etc.

After landing and shutting down the engines,i tried to send the pirep.
He told me that I cant send the pirep because the flight number is wrong.

I have saved the pirep into my computer.

What can I do?

Hi Damien,
He told me that I cant send the pirep because the flight number is wrong.
Did the flight number match the number of the flight plan?
I put the number in the acars,with dep/arr etc.
I usually just fill out the flight number ACHXXXX and do Get ACARS flightdata and the rest of the data gets downloaded. Then I do start ACARS.

Did you see any signs of XACARS actually tracking your flight during flying?

Some handy pics borrowed from the competition :lol: :



Taken from thread. I think I shall do an effort to write a sticky post with the same kind of manual here. .

Hope this helps...

Yes the flight nr matched to the flight plan,thats what i dont understand.

I have tried it several times,but no success.
The flight was recorded,and i was also on the live map.

Thtas what i dont understand

Hm, this might be more complicated than I thought. Maybe someone with database access should look at this. It might help if you mention the flight number you got this problem with so someone can look it up in the database.

Was this your first flight with XACARS? Or did you do successful flights with it before? Maybe you can do some short test flights like charter flight KSEA-KPAE?

No it was not the first fly with xacars. after that i booked a flight and there was no problem.

The flightnr was : ACH7632

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