Online virgin

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Today 3:01 PM
Hello guys

Ok so I normally fly offline with fsx atc ( what is crap ) and not very realistic as you don't talk a and just press the number according to the reply you want to say.

I've always been scared to fly on Vatsim am not sure if it's the fear of messing up or not knowing what to do and looking like a male sexual organ. But I've watched a few videos on YouTube and tutorials and even they're scary very fast pace.

My question is to those who fly on Vatsim, how did you start and is it likely that I'd get kicked off or banned if I got it wrong or made a mistake.

I know it's a real sim atc environment and you'd be expected to operate under realistic atc ops dose Vatsim have a new flyer session or someway of helping or understand your new and might mess up ?.

I just don't want to join and piss people off or hold up there session because am struggling to understand the procedure and causing a problem.

Any ideas how I should start out ?

Cheers wes
Hello Wes,

don't worry. You can have a look into the 'Online Pilot Manual' wich you will find in the 'documents' section. The controllers at VATSIM are very friendly.
It's a good choice to fly your first online flight from and to airports which you are knowing well (and don't use Mega airports for this flight). You also must have charts of thees airports. And you have to know your airplane :fly:

I'm flying on VATSIM since 15 years now, and I have to say: It's the greatest adventure you can get in the net. Try it...

Best regards
Hi, a bit off-topic but when I read your topic title I thought for a moment you were off to the virtual version of . :rofl:

I'm sure a lot of people here can help you on your way on-line. Although most disclaimers that come with software are crap, the "mixed experience" line that came with Game Spy in the past actually says it all. On-line you meet all kinds of people with all kinds of intentions.
Take the plunge Wes , they can't eat ya :lol: . Now that you have fskeepers working it will help. You can zoom it in on the airport to navigate the taxiways. That's what us geriatrics do. Easier than juggling with the keyboard, joystick and magnifying glass trying to read the fine print on an airdrome chart! It will also help by showing you when your about to enter controlled airspace . Don't worry about SIDS and STARS yet since new. Request vectors if not familiar with them. Do read about them tho . The main thing is to jump in and get your feet wet ;) . Everything will make sense with time. The only downside is when ATC is unavailable you have to type your intentions on Unicom. I'm not a good typist and by the time I enter everything it's usually too late :rofl: You're welcome to join in on the world tour. Everyone on it helps each other. Good way to start tho is to practice using the taxiways in FSX without using the big yellow arrows showing you where to go. Practice actually changing frequencies manually. Log onto vatsim as observer and listen to what's going on. You can ask Norbert if he has some time available for lessons . Finally you won't get banned or kicked off vatsim for a mistake. Read the vatsim rules.
Hope to see you soon.
Blue sky
Hello Wes

from my first Vatim expierience I can tell you the most important thing you have to have on vatsim is FMS and you have to know how to use it. My first online flight was with Mooney Bravo. If you don't have fms you not always be vectored, but then you can log off and no one will be upset or scream at you.

Hope I've helped you

Rafal Zielinski said:
Hello Wes

from my first Vatim expierience I can tell you the most important thing you have to have on vatsim is FMS and you have to know how to use it. My first online flight was with Mooney Bravo. If you don't have fms you not always be vectored, but then you can log off and no one will be upset or scream at you.

Hope I've helped you


Hi Rafal, using an FMS is not neccessary. You can make your first expieriences very easy with a VFR flight like traffic patterns at a controlled airport. The german vatsim section offers training hours at Munster Airport for newbies on vatsim. I am sure you will find this in others countries.
Great I have been listening to other pilots still abit fast for me, my dyslexia don't help me when trying to write fast but I'll get there. I've been muting my mic and waiting for someone to join knowing they will soon be in contact with atc then trying to copy what atc say and repeat in time with other pilot.

Hope to see you guys on Vatsim soon
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