??? How to get Reporting to work ???

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Since I have a problem with xacars (topic: XAcars just blanc) I thought it would be nice to try FSpassengers - very cool that they offer a demo version - and the first look is great I think. Very immersive the whole thing.

....but, what is about the longrun?
With this topic I want to ask pilots they use it with the Aerosoft AXE, if all works together and if the reporting is reliable? And what is about the payload manager from fspassenger, will it load the Airbus correct?
Are there any inconsistencies with fsp and the axe?

I wrote this "in detail question" because I search for a tool that works for a longer time, and I want to thank each virtual pilot who read this topic and maybe give me his opinion :)

Re: FSpassengers X & the Airbus X extended - Experinces

Hello Klaus, can't help you with info about the airbus and fspassengers. I don't have the airbus. Fspassengers is a good program. I have fspassengers and fskeepers, both have trial versions. I use fskeepers for the reporting . Both have features that I like. For the long run I think fskeepers would be of more benefit. Fspassengers is geared more for running an airline while fskeepers is more for the flt aspect. Try both.

Re: FSpassengers X & the Airbus X extended - Experinces

Hi Klaus. I never used FSPassengers in FSX but I used it a lot in FS9. Had great fun with it and learned some from it. It replaces the payload and balance completely when you start a FSP flight. This goes well if you use a default plane or a free-ware that's derived from a default plane. For pay-wares you need to have a well made config file from the FSP site or make one yourself. I always had the feeling it spoils a carefully made load and balance for non-default planes and makes it harder to practice because the balance deviates when you start a flight without FSP.

Like David says, FSP is more for having the feeling of an airline while flying stand-alone. With reporting as an extra option. If I remember correctly it also does no tracking during flight.

FSP is also not developed or maintained anymore. People on the forum try to contact the developer but he's flown off years ago. :lol:

Personally, I wish FSP would have left the load and balance alone. It would have saved them a lot of trouble and made it a lot more versatile. Most better planes come with load screens anyway.
Re: FSpassengers X & the Airbus X extended - Experinces

Thank you guys, now I have a picture of whats going on!

I think that I will try the Demo of Flight Keeper, because in a way it is the only choice for me :S

- Xacars seems to troll me, even when I try to "repair" it
- About FSacars I have found not many good reviews, but a lot of error topics
- FSpassengers X seems to be nice, but I have found some topics in the forum about problems with newer systems and so on. And the fact that the Developer is disappeared is not so an purchase basic :rofl:
- Now I hope that flight keeper will work...
Re: FSpassengers X & the Airbus X extended - Experinces

Haha lol, too good to be true... installed demo of flight keeper. First error message at about 5 minutes.

Manual says:
Open FS Flightkeeper
Open the Options Menue
Select Templates/Email
Go to "Virtual Airline Settings" and select "air-child-cfg.txt"
Click OK

...when I do this an error appears that I have to set an "email for messaging" this dont let me set the required "air-child-cfg.txt". Dont know what this means.

I know, grumbling around about software isnt helpful, but I have now two flights with 3 hours and three times more spent with messing around with reporting software :x
Re: How to get Reporting to work

This problem is solved (about the email error message) I have just put in my own mailadress... in another tab, somewhere under options.
First connection was a success so far, I have seen my flight at the gate at our live watch.
But for today my time and nerves are gone, will try tomorrow and maybe, with some luck, I can finaly report my third flight :yes:
Re: How to get Reporting to work

Thought I try it again... flightkeeper... all set, good to go, guess what? Error message. Just a little window with something like "the last flight was restored". But all datas for flight was gone. I am at the end of my wisdom.

I ask myself how anyone can report just one flight????? These programms just dont work at all :devil: :x :no:

I've sent you a PM. Such things (like an error in FSK and trying to restore fligts) happens to FSX, I've got it on FS9 after 9 hours flight from ltba to vabb. It is annoiyng.

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