EPGD Lech Walesa Airport Layout wrong

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Today 11:05 PM

may somebody can help me.

I've installed the EPGD2008 Freeware Scenery from Kuba Paczek and I also have installed the latest AFCAD File from 2009 for this scenery.

Unfortunately I miss most of the taxiway 'A' - there are just a part of this TWY at intersection E and F - but there is no chance to leave the RW via the points A,B,C,D,G or H-

Further I miss parts of the Terminal2 and the CARGO Area.

Has anyone of you installed this FS9 Scene and give some hints.

Thanks in advance

Compare actual scenery with this map:

This map is quite actual.

EPGD is little strange airport... For first look it have missing quite much chunks of scenery, but actually there is only B and C taxiway as RWY runoff in (more or less) middle of RWY lenght. with 2 aprons next to B/C TWY...
I will post some screenshots from this scenery. May anyone can explain, what went wrong...



Thanks for hints... but - when I look at this photo I toke from Google...

it seems, that it has looked like my scenery - but that doesn't make really sense, isn't it?

May the picture is too old and in the meantime the taxiways has been finished???


I've founds an acual Airport Chart fro 10/2011 where the Taxiways are reorganized. It seems, that all scenery are out of date :)
Mid of 2010

And it looks like all TWY are complete by today: [url=http://www.airport.gdansk.pl/#/investments/droga-kolowania]http://www.airport.gdansk.pl/#/investments/droga-kolowania[/url]

Anyway probably building real airport takes less time than making sim scenery :D
Well in that case it doesn't make sense to buy the Polish Airports 1 and 2 - in one of them is the Airport - but I don't believe, that this is actual...

Thanks for the hel

There is nothing better right now...

Staszek should update that in time, and if im not wrong - updates are free.
It depends on what you really expect.
If you look for something actual, then you may find many difficulties in defining what is actual as the airport is currently under modernisation and reorganisation. If I am right, just one month ago some parts of the new infrastructure (TWYs, APPRONs) were opened. The new terminal is going to be opened in April this year. I understand why developers (in fact one developer) doesn't want to update the scenery now, but I am certain that once the modernisation is finished, we will get an update.
On the other hand, if you are a VATSIM pilot, then you are advised to use Polish Airports scenery anyway. The local procedures (and maps on plvacc site) are still based on this scenery.
Yes I didn't know, that the airport is under construction yet, because NAVIGHRAPH offers 'new' Charts for this airport, which seems to be not actual at this point.

But I can remember a discussion regarding the NEW SPANISH AIRPORTS which content the airport of Madrid in an outdated version and Aerosoft told me, that I can not expect an update from developers side, because they made a complete new airport of it.

When I know buy the POLISH Airports I run in danger to have an outdated airport from April 2012 on.... And that cannot be useful for me. In these packs are no other airports, we fly to.

But what I want to do at this point is to ask the developers, if they plan to update the afcad file for this airport.

I will let you know, what they answer.

At this point I want to thank you for all of your help and comments regarding this subject.

:rofl: liver
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