Please, small aircrafts needed !!!

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Today 7:25 PM
The last weeks I am busy with airports and small airfields in the Araucanía (South of Chile and the Patagonia in Argentina). The problem is: I can't use aircrafts from the ACH-fleet in those small airfields (< 2000 ft) and I can't use those flight hours in my ACH-carriere. I prefer to fly using small airports, small airfields and small aircrafts because I want to see the rivers, the forests, the mountains, the lakes, the vulcanos and the villages. Flying with only instruments and panels on your sight is boring and I definitely do not like it.
Anyway..., my question (Peter or Norbert): is it possible to add small aircrafts to our fleet? I mean something like the C172, the Mooney 20-J, Pipers or the PC12. My goal? Charter flights in the Araucanía (it's sooo beautiful!!!).
My Araucanía sceneries:
Of course, another possibility is to fly those charters with a small aircraft and register the flight (also in XAcars) as done with a DCH7, but this is like "cheating", IMO...
Ricardo, that's a very difficult subject :think:
If you search the forum you may find a couple of posts treating the subject of adding small aircraft to the fleet. Check that one, for example:
The totally different character of flying small aircraft from small airports on short routes (often VFR, sometimes round-trips) would require a pretty different approach in handling Pireps. That's why we planned to add a "bush flying" department. However, this was 2 years ago, and we haven't got any further with the project. It's about as complex as adding the financial simulation to the VA, but we finally decided to do that first. So, I'm afraid the bush flying (and other departments) will stay on hold for maybe the next 2 years ... :(
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
Of course, another possibility is to fly those charters with a small aircraft and register the flight (also in XAcars) as done with a DCH7, but this is like "cheating", IMO...
As we use to say: A little cheating can't be bad, if it doesn't hurt you personally ;)
btw: as we promised in the other post, we will add the DHC-6 (yeah, things are terribly slow at Air-Child VA ...), so there will be another smaller type ... smaller as the DHC-7, at least.
DHC-7 is not so bad...

STOL capabilities...

Acording to one of many performance webpages it should start from 900m and land on 1000m runway, also unpaved...

1600nm with 220kt at FL210...

L100 is also quite impressive... Anyway in military version... Remember that few tests made with C-130 and aircraft carrier? :)

All versions of the DHC7 for X-Plane I've tested are not good enough (IMO) and the C-130 Hercules... OMG... Do you see me flying with such an aircraft in the Araucanía, where almost everyday you see police or military helis in the sky? The C-130 is used there (Chile and Argentina) only by people with uniforms, to transport troops and weapons, and to making dissappear "dissidents" in the sea... No way... I really couldn't do that... I know it's a game, a simulation... but... no thanks... That's a bridge too far...
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
The C-130 is used there (Chile and Argentina) only by people with uniforms, to transport troops and weapons, and to making dissappear "dissidents" in the sea...

That's the reason why we only have L100's instead of C130's
Hm, hm... yes and no...
In the ACH-Hangar I see under the manufacturer "Lockheed" the name "L100-E", but when I follow the link to download the bird I see the C-130 of Jacques Brault "an American four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft built by Lockheed. It is the main tactical airlifter for many military forces worldwide."
But do not worry about this, Peter. It's not really important, because I do not use it anyway. I only wanted to make clear that for X-Plane users we only have a military C-130.
L-100 at basic is demilitarised version of aircraft with civilian equipment and no external fueltanks on pylons. There are also L-100-20 and L-100-30 versions of same characteristics with longer fuselage (and bit worser performance, because of bigger weight and cargo capacity)...

Backing to Twin Otter -I very like that idea, especially older version of airplane (with shorter, more rounded nose), altough 170kts and 920nm of range is quite LOW...

Other nice, small airplane we may consider in fleet is Piaggio Avanti with 395kts and 1400nm of range... Especially for X-plane, where P180 is one of ultradetailed default models...

We are still waiting for ideal airplane... High capacity, high maximum speed, high cruising altitude, low stall speed, capable of stol/vtol and unpaved runways... Those kind of machines are quite limited at all in current days... Lets say few of them like Osprey (no civilian model available, and limited military use), others are practcally only helis SeaStallion, SeaKing, Blackhawk, whole bunch of russian Mil-series helis (with Mi-26 on top) not mentioning Mil-V12.

Question: can heli be threated as small airplane, or that should be another flying category? Do we consider getting any popular helis in ACH? (JetRanger, UH-1/Bell 212, Eurocopter)
I think, the best small Aircraft was the Jetsream 4100 for us, why ? The Payware bei PMDg its great !! :lol:
Frank Kunath said:
I think, the best small Aircraft was the Jetsream 4100 for us, why ? The Payware bei PMDg its great !! :lol:

I disagree. "The best small aircraft for us" is that one well designed for every SIM used here (FSX, FS 2004 and X-Plane). I know nothing about the aircrafts for the flight simulators of Microsoft. What we need is someone with knowledge about all these SIMs. But we also can begin making choices. In X-Plane 9.70 we have 3 very good small birds: Mooney 20-J (payware Carenado), the Beechcraft Baron 58 by awall86 (free at the and the Cirrus SR-20 ("TheJet", standard GA in X-Plane). We do not have to look at the aircrafts for X-Plane 10. It's not good enough yet.
Sometimes is it very difficult to make clear why I prefer to use small aircrafts and small airports/airfields.
Today I went from Chillán (SCCH) to Choshuenco (SCCM) and before the landing I though "what I am seeing here makes clear why"... I booked this flight with XAcars (charter ACH7357 DHC7), but I really used my SR20. I hope this is not a problem.


and finally a click after the landing ("I'll be back"!!!)
Thanks, Hans-Dieter

And now another trip, but now from Duqueco (SCDQ) to Lago Ranco (SCXR), with my Mooney 20-J
(both airfields are unknown in the database of Air-Child, but the booking and the registration are okay).


Oops, when I'm ready with the landing I must chop some trees there (they obstruct the runway).
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
I booked this flight with XAcars (charter ACH7357 DHC7), but I really used my SR20. I hope this is not a problem.
No problem, Ricardo ;)
The only problem, as you already said, is that those small airports are not in our database. And they are not in the monthly AIRAC data, published by Navigraph, either.

I saw one of your recent flights on the map and I added two of the airports to our data, but it's way too much work to look up airport names and coordinates in Google, regularly.
The effects of booking those airports for charter are a funny display on the map as well as incorrect fuel/weight calculations (or none at all). Other than that, it's up to you ;)

ps: Your screenshots look great! Thanks for posting.
I am using a collection of small airports/airfields in the Araucanía. Of course, I have all information about these airfields. Maybe useful to add this data to the ACH-database. Which info do you need? I can send the data to you as an spreadsheet-document (Excel), that's easier to work with.
It's not too much work to me (I am retired now) :rofl: :lol: ;)
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
I can send the data to you as an spreadsheet-document (Excel), that's easier to work with
Yes, that would work. I will send you an excerpt of our airport base in Excel format by email. You can use that as a template, then.

Thx ;)
For all X-Plane pilots who like small aircrafts/airports: "Araucanía"-sceneries, version 1.2 is available (Google-map and zip-archives-collection) on ( ).
Peter, I've just sent to your e-mail the data of the airports/airfields in the Araucanía for the ACH-database.
From now on, for some days, I am going to fly !!! The whole Araucanía is finished !!!
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
Peter, I've just sent to your e-mail the data of the airports/airfields in the Araucanía for the ACH-database.
Thank you, Ricardo! The database is updated, and I hope it's ok ;)
I hope it's ok

Judge yourself










Everything is fine, except for this bird (not using an ACH-livery and it's flying illegally here)... :think: ;)
In the Araucanía I was also flying with the newest version of the CRJ-200. Take-off and landing in SCTO Victoria and SCQY Villa Portales without any problem... In Villa Portales was it more difficult because of the mountains and less space to prepare the landing. I must say, I can not start from dark and cold yet. but in a week it must be possible... Anyway, it's a fine bird, and we have the ACH-livery :fly: :clap:
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