Climb Rate for the Boeing 752

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Today 10:35 PM

yesterday I flew with the Boeing 752 from PSS from Hannover to Manchester. With 68 Passengers the plane was far away from it's load capacities so I expected a good climb rate for this flight.

But from the start the start on the Aircraft climbs with a rate of 6000ft/ min into the sky - after reaching FL280 the rate decreases to 2500ft/ min and ends with a rate of 1000 ft/ min for the last 3000ft.

The plane has no problems to hold the speed during these climbs but it seems a little too much for me.

Does anybody know, what climb rates were reached in real life?


try here, especially last post:

Seems to be ok for the empty plane.

In FSX I saw to many good looking planes with realy bad flight dynamics.
Anyway, i belive that PMDG(any aircraft), Maddog MD-80, Level-D 767 and RealAir(GA aircrafts) is realy did a perfect job with their planes. For me, only they are thrusted developers for fsx and fs9. There are some more good planes like Flight1 Citation Mustang, flight1 bn2 islander etc.
By the way - A 757 from Level-D is expected this year.


Regarding the quality of the PMDG models I agree with you.

With the Level-D I had a problem last time I tried to install the 767 for the FS9 - During the Installation Process the Level-D replaced my FSUIPC with an older version with the result, that all my B73x Addons doesn't work.

If anyone has a trick to avoid the replacement, I will give the bird a second chance. Actually I'm not willing to fly this 767 (unfortunately, because it costs a lot of money)

Regarding the topic of this thread - thanks for the answer. I will try to keep an eye on it for my next flight - I try to fill up the whole plane with fuel and passengers and will see how the climb rate is....

Hi yeah I have to agree pmdg nice job small js4100 or 747 all good . on this planes if flying manually you have to watch your speed plus flight director very closelly . 6000 Ft/Pm you going balistick . Does your plane calculata vnav ? If not I would say 3 degreese pitch to rotate then 8 degreese try to keep her after rotation at least V2 + 25 to climb out to safe altitute or whatever SID is. If you don't have charts I would say 2000 AGL is fine and then you should accelarate and start bringing home some flaps. Gain the speed with less VS , it's not good only pushing the throttles all the way to max . However all comes to weight . I am sure if you look at google there would be some speed table for your plane . Nice Aplication is topcat I am sure you've heared about it. I wouldn't really fly without it .
Good flying Petr
Acording to my informations from one damn good ...

Performance for 752 are as follows (in general, typical flight).

MTOW: 115680kg
V2: 145 kias
Distance needed for takeoff 1900m

INITIAL CLIMB to 5000ft: 175 kts, 3500 ft/m
CLIMB to FL150: 300 kts, 2500 ft/m
CLIMB to FL240: 300 kts, 2000 ft/m
MACH CLIMB: 0,78 M, 1500 ft/m

TAS: 480 KIAS, 0,8 M
Range: 3900 nm
Oliver Pohl said:
With the Level-D I had a problem last time I tried to install the 767 for the FS9 - During the Installation Process the Level-D replaced my FSUIPC with an older version with the result, that all my B73x Addons doesn't work.
If anyone has a trick to avoid the replacement, I will give the bird a second chance.

I have Level D for fs2004 instaled and i have no problems with my FSUIPC, i instaled latest version. I have a idea for you:
You can try to backup all FSUIPC files before instalation of Level-d, just go to FS9/modules folder.
If you don't know what is FSUIPC related files, just copy all files from "modules" folder and save them somevere before instalation of Level-D 767. Then, after instalation, copy all files from location where you saved them and put them back in "modules" folder and replace all files if you are asked for.
This way you can't have any problems, it's safe to try. Tell me if this metod work's
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