Hi Thomas, well, all my training I have done on 172S, and 172R they are very much the same. "S" version is little bit more powerful than "R" therefor, require a little more use of right rudder during take of roll and climbing, basically. After My training I did CSU (constant speed unit) other words MPP manual pitch propeller. "CASA" has more names for same thing. Well to make story short, Cessna 182 comes with 230 HP completely different beast, opposing to 172S 180Hp or 172R 160Hp. I always says to my instructor this plane has bolls: loll: Its little more Havier then 172 ,so it is important to use correct trim on final and curry little bit of power as you crossing the threshold to cushion landing . You have to watch for nose dropping down without power just before you touch down. The Cessna 182 modeled by A2A well, I have it at home and must say guys at A2A have done it outstanding job. Sound, performance, etc. as far as the PC simulation goes very good. If you need checklist here is a link, that’s what I am using from the school. http://www.airborne-aviation.com.au/air ... ources.php
Download VH-SRE . If you have any specific question do not hesitate and ask. Lately, don't have time to do much of flying for air child, due to work, girlfriend and future study for my CPL, but can always reply to post. Cheers Petr