Block Time 00:00

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Tomorrow 12:13 AM

I have made two flights at the weekend and just realized in the pirep it shows:
Out: 00:00 In: 00:00 Block:00:00

I run the p3d on a main PC and the FSFK on a second one which is connecting through widefs.
The major change compared to previous flight is the OP system and weather app; I just have changed it to win10 on both PCs and replaced REX by Active Sky Next.
All other things works well, this is the only strange behaviour what I have experienced (so far).

Any idea where could it come from :?:

I still believe win7 64 was the best for FSX. Nobody takes care of upgrading the code of FSX or P3D. It is still the old stuff from SP2. So I decided a year ago to build a machine just for FSX. This helps a lot to stay with a working FSX. Maybe this sounds quite conservative but FSX is conservative and very aged. I wish that someday someone has the opportunity to work with the internal code so that FSX or P3D can be upgradet to work well with modern hard- and software.
Hi, did you have a look at concerning WideFS?

Did you have a look at the dlls Pete Dowson's modules need? Are they present in Win 10?

Does reporting work directly(without WideFS)?
Nobody takes care of upgrading the code of FSX or P3D
I think P3d and FSXSE will eventually be made fully compatible but Win10 is still very new and doesn't have much flightsimming users yet. I have the feeling Win10 is going to be a Windows version like Win ME; a version a lot of people will avoid. There's already a lot of controversy about the privacy issues of Win 10...

Real computer hobbyist will of course try anything new they can get their hands on(something I can fully understand :oops: ) but for support you're always dependent on the masses. If there's not enough demand there's no money in it for the software companies. And flightsimming is still a niche market.

But if Dovetail and Lockheed want to keep their customers they have to work at it eventually. But...they might not be interested in ACARS applications. A lot of these programs have extra dependencies like SimConnect or FSUIPC.

FSX boxed is another story. I think most FSX users will hold on to older Windows versions as long as possible. Maybe set up a dual boot or run it on a virtual system.
I was not checking yet any other support forum, and in fact was not considering as a potential source of problem the widefs, but maybe you are right and I will look after.
I will check fsacars through widefs and if that one produces the same problem then first try to run fsacars on the same PC where the p3d is located.

All of this trouble shooting takes soooo much time... :roll:
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