UPDATE - FlightSheet for Rookies

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Today 2:23 PM
Hi all,

as I am flying now online with ACH since one year I am still a kind of Rookie. To get the best preperation for each flight I created some files which still help me for every flight to react fast and have the right information next to me.

As I guess there are some more Rookies out there I want to share this files with you. Maybe the give you a little help. They are in german but I have them also in english if needed. If you want to adapt them I can give you also the excel file so you can add more information (or les) if needed.


Thank you Tom :!: for the input regarding Unicom in Brasil and SA :idea: . Now you can find both version (english and german) as PDF Download below.

German Version:

English Version

If you have question, just let me know!

always happy landings

Re: FlightSheet for Rookies

always welcome ;)
of you need the english version just let me know
Re: FlightSheet for Rookies

Hi Achim!

May i suggest to add something to your quicksheet?

Unicom Frequency at VATSIM is almost everywhere 122.800, with two exceptions:
- Brasil: 123.450
- South Africa: 124.800

The reason is, that the 122.800 is used in these countries by ATC. In Brazil it is a tower frequency of a military airfield in Canoas near Porto Alegre; in South Africa it is the AFIS frequency of the Grand Central Airport in Midrand halfway between Johannesburg and Pretoria. In fact, if you take a look at liveatc.net, you will find lots more facilities that use this frequency, curiously only at VATSAF and VATBRZ it is seen as a problem (although these are very minor facilities there), don't know why :think: ?!?

Greetings, Tom
Re: FlightSheet for Rookies

Hi Tom,

I didn't know that :eek::eek:
For sure I will add and upload the updated version tomorrow. Thanks a lot for the input!!!!


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