The UFOKopter, first steps with Blender2FSX

Barthe Hogenboom

Beta Team
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Today 11:55 AM
My newest project: experimenting and making something with from the FSDeveloper group.
My first product; a simple UFO model made by flattening a sphere in Blender. The canopy door opens with SHIFT+E but the animation is still different from what I intended in Blender. The rudder moves but still a bit wonky.

[imgpop][/imgpop]I'm actually quite satisfied with the underside. The rotor animates beautifully. I made the blades out of parts of a disk. I rotated their edges 20 degrees to make them into fan blades.

I made it flyable by simply replacing the outside model of the default Robinson helicopter with my UFO model. So it can use it's cockpit and fly like a light helicopter.

It won't get a gear; like a "true" UFO it just hovers after landing. But I want to make two big wooden beams underneath as "chocks" so you can park it in your garage and turn the hovering power off to save energy. I want to find out how to make the cockpit windows transparent. And I intend to texture the main fuselage. The other parts look OK with their own material so I leave them untextured. After all it's only a crude first model to have some fun with...

(For the sensitive readers over here: No, I'm not suggesting this should replace any aircraft in our fleet. ;) )
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