Mac, X-Plane and Ivao. "The Bermuda Triangle"

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Today 3:25 PM
Thats my se up, and no BootCamp. The question is. How do I report a ACH flight?

To be able to report a flight, ACH Airline has to register me as a ACH pilot and then I can procede to report it via Ivaos VA Airline log on page. I was able to file my FP and flew a short flight LEPA LEAL. But was not able to report the flight

The other alternative XAcars, seems to be going over major changes and does not seem to be reliable.

Unfortunately FS reporting apps, do not work on X-Plane.

Any other Mac X-Plane and Ivao pilots out there?

Cheers!. Fred
Ok thank you Ricardo. Will download XAcars and give it a try.

I want to try a charter flight with a CRJ200 that is siting in LFSR. This airport is closed for air navigation as far as `i know and can't be inputed in the FMS. Can it be done or the plane needs to move position?

Thanks for your help. Fred
Fred De Vicuna said:
I want to try a charter flight with a CRJ200 that is siting in LFSR. This airport is closed for air navigation as far as `i know and can't be inputed in the FMS. Can it be done or the plane needs to move position?
I do not understand... When you are flying for Air Child you have total freedom. Choose your plane, choose your departure airport/airfield, choose (or make) your flight plan and enjoy the flight.
We do not have any limitations. ;)

Hi Ricardo,

I thought you could only fly, flights that you book from the dispatch centre.

From what I understand from your answer is that I do not need to go trough the dispatch center and do not need to book a plane. As long as I start XAcars before the flight, I can fly from any airport that `i choose.

Am I right?

Saludos cordiales. F
Ricardo, many thanks for your patience.

I did go to dispatch centre, choose flight ACH7717 the CRJ that is sitting at LFSR and booked the plane with a flight plan to take it to LEPA, Updated flight plan and submitted to flight plan. A green button light showed next to the "booked flight" and go the company FP with fuel calculations and other details.

Started x-plane with the plane at LFSR, with parking brake on and engines off I opened XAcars, inputed the flight number on upper left box and retrieved the flight plan. Then I started XIvao and connected to the server and proceded to take off and flight with several Ivao controllers on line.

During the 1:50 hrs flight I could see myself on the Eye of Ivao but not on airchilds live watch screen, nor the details on AirChilds home page.

When I landed at LEPA with engines off and parking brake i pressed the send prep button the XAcars plugin window and got an error message saying that there was" No booking found for flight ACH7715.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?.

Thanks you for your time. Fred
Fred De Vicuna said:
I did go to dispatch centre, choose flight ACH7717...
When I landed at LEPA with engines off and parking brake i pressed the send prep button the XAcars plugin window and got an error message saying that there was" No booking found for flight ACH7715.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?.
The flight from Air Child was ACH7717, but in XAcars you put "flight ACH7715". Why two different flights?

ACH7717 is a typo, sorry. It should be ACH7715 in all cases.

My mistake. Have a great day. Fred
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