Unable to send Pirep

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Today 3:34 PM
Hello from a new member.

I have made the same flight three times adjusting things I was never capable of sending a Pirep.

I am trying to report a charter flight in the CRJ200 from LFSR to LEPA. I am able to book the flight from the dispatch center and update and submit to flight plan. I can also see the booked flight in "my bookings".

Once in the CRJ I can collect the Flight Data via ACARS, (after having run the ini file to put my pilot's details in XAcars preferences). I start Acars, connect to Ivao and proceed with the flight. I can see both Acars recording time and my flight in Ivao's WebEye.

I don't see my flight on Air-Child's home page >NOW BOARDING before I start the engines nor under >ACTIVE FLIGHTS while I am proceeding with the flight. I can't see it either on the the flight reports>live watch map

At the arrival gate, on XAcar's plugin page I can view my Pirep. But not send it.

I think its might be communication issue. But how come I get all the details from the flight from XAcars and I am not able to send the FP?

Sorry for the length of this post. Please help if you can. I have a copy of X-Plane's Log if that might help.

All the best. Fred

Mac OSX 10.10.5 XAcars 2.5.4 X-Plane 10.41 (64 bit)

Screen capture of the problem:
Hey Fred,

I'm sorry that you are having troubles from the beginning. Apparently there are some issues with XAcars, at the moment. We will try to solve those.
Could you please send me a copy of your xarcars.ini file and, if possible, a bigger view of that screen cap, so we can actually read what it says in the XAcars dialog windows?
My email address: peter [@] air-child.com


Problem solved.

Peter and Ricardo many thanks for your help.

All the best. Fred
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