X-Plane, XAcars, OS X & Air Child

Users Local time
Today 10:26 AM
I have problems using X-Plane (10.41r3) with XAcars (2.5.4) and OS X (El Capitán 10.11.1).
The problem is: XAcars can't communicate with Air Child's Pirep server/software.
This means I can't register my flights for Air Child.
In september I could do it without any anomalies. But right now it's imposible.
I've tried XAcars and also XPassenger (0.0.8 ).
Another user had the same problem using OS X Yosemite and XAcars.
What is changed on the Air Child's Pirep server/software in september/october?
I've already sent a PM to Peter Schindler about this problem.

Do another X-Plane pilots have this problem using XAcars?
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
The problem is: XAcars can't communicate with Air Child's Pirep server/software.
I've already sent a PM to Peter Schindler about this problem.

Ricardo, I have seen your screen shot. Could you please send me an email to my air-child address (peter@...) including your "xacars.ini" file that you downloaded from our server?
Thank you!

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