Hello John. Although I don't own the Ab X extended I think I have a clue what's wrong. I've looked at these ACH textures and I guess they're for the original Aerosoft Airbus(the
not extended old one).
Let me go through this in 2 steps:
1. Black inside is almost certainly caused by a wrong line in the texture.cfg. The best thing to do here is read and understand a texture.cfg file from a working texture folder and copy the whole texture.cfg file or the relevant lines. It should be a line like this:
fallback.1=..\..\Aerosoft Airbus X Extended Base\Texture_Fallback_VC
The idea behind it is that FSX has to find the VC textures and the textures to open up the windows. These textures are almost always the same. Moste repainters don't change them unless there's some really outstanding feature that an airline would have in the cockpit.
2. Black outside probably means incompatible textures. Dark during daytime probably means inverted/wrong ALPHA textures. Dark at night probably means that the night textures don't work/match. This is what I do in this case(when I really WANT the repaint):
compare the textures with textures from a working texture folder by throwing them into dxtbmp(freeware program to convert and look at textures). See if they match by eye. Also pay attention to the texture file names. Sometimes they differ a bit but work when you rename them. Also look at the alpha textures(the little window top right in dxtbmp) And look at the night textures(_L, _LM etc.) The might be inverted and thus cause the blackness. Dxtbmp can invert them for you.
I almost always get my way with textures. If they don't match at all, I often just rebuilt the paint by using as much textures from a working paint for stuff like wheels etc. and then copy and paste the rest into the paintkit with Gimp.
from Aerosoft that might be interesting although it's about compatibility between the extended and their even newer Airbus.
Let me know how far you get with this advice. If it doesn't help I could do an experiment by downloading some freeware AB extended textures and compare them myself to help you a bit more. The only trouble is...I can't test them because i don't have this particular plane...