Children in Aleppo trapped in “living nightmare”

It's really terrible out there, Norbert. I was really angry when they bombed the trucks with medical supplies and food. They're using medieval siege tactics; starving the people in a city. The problem is: what can we do about it and who's going to do it?
Barthe Hogenboom said:
The problem is: what can we do about it and who's going to do it?


you are all, who are flying for Air-Child, are supporting this children at Aleppo. Because we are raising money for UNICEF, who will support people there.

My wife, my family and me are looking after some refugees in our town. Mostly they are from Syria. One is from Aleppo. 3 Weeks ago, he got a "whatsapp" that his two brothers are killed by bombs...

Yes, I know how happy I can be to live in a peaceful part of the earth.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you, who are flying and supporting Air-Child. THANK YOU!

Best Regards
What we can do - aside from flying for ACH - is showing the world, that - contrary to popular belief - the world is not going to sh!t. That there ARE in fact ppl who give a damn and that these people are VASTLY outnumbering the few nationalist, fascist and racist cavemen/-women out there. I work with refugees as well and it inspires me to see, that after all that's lost, after all that's said and done, they still find to time to write poems and laugh with me. THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is proof for how cool mankind acutally is. My gift to them: fighting the fight every day. Intervening when ppl start talking bs about refugees or foreigners in general. Being there, when ppl think it's funny to make racist jokes. And showing them: the few brainless monkeys are outwheighed by those who care. I think that this is too a good way to help - and it comes for free. :yes: :yes:
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