VATSIM-Online-Events coming up

Christian Neumann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 2:45 PM

on Monday, 28. Nov. 2016 a city-shuttle will take place.
EDDT and LZIB are pearing in a European shuttle from 19:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC.
It's a 300nm trip, so you can fly two legs with excellent ATC.

Come in, join us and collect some coins for the kids.

Kind regards

We can organise weekly group flight if that's intresting.
Like if there is Vatsim events it's excellent. But if not we can fly togheter?

Maybe we should create a poll on what day people have time to fly?

I think from zero to once a week is a little bit heavy. Let's start with once a month and if the feedback is great, we can offer the groupflight more often.

Anders, we are discussing now nearly 24 hours, but ist's us. No more reply or question or whatever.
that is what I ment. The forum isn't really read. And that has to be changed. I don't know how, but actuality might be a tool.

Have a great weekend with time to collect coins for the kids

VATSIM-Events --- VATSIM-Events --- VATSIM-Events --- VATSIM-Events --- VATSIM-Events --- VATSIM-

Tomorrow, Jan 2nd, 2017, Berlin serves from 1900 to 2200 UTC in line with the Berlin-Monday, - same procedere as every week.

Saturday, Jan 14th, 18 to 22.00 UTC, on VATSIM a Cityshuttle will take place between LSZH and EDDT.

Stay tuned for details.

the details for the upcoming VATSIM-Event:

Hope to see u in the sky or hear u on the freq.

Every Monday is VATSIM-Monday in Germany! e.g. EDDT / EDDL / EDDN are waiting for you between 19 and 22 UTC.

Come on guys, professional ATC is up, just to bring you up and down on a sensational level.

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