Ach callsignal approved on Pilotedge

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Today 3:36 PM
I have requested to use Air Child callsignal on pilotedge and got in on the approved callsignal list on Pilot edge.
So if someone here is flying on pilotedge or in the future then you know you can use the callsignal. If you wonder what pilotedge is you can look it up here it's the same as Vatsim just payware thing.


I dare say, that I'm not very happy about the fact, that you are advertising for a commercial networt in this forum.
We have two working networks, but only a few guys are flying online. More then 50% of the flights were done offline. (If I believe the statistics). And let me provocate, a less of realism is not the reason for flying offline.
The coverage area of pilotedge is very limited and you won't be able to fly more then a few regular flights on this network. The ATC is at least in Europe (incl. UK) really realistic and more realistic than most of our pilots can handle.

Save the 19 € and donate it to UNICEF.



Edit: The shuttle-event EDDT-LZIP yesterday evening had really a good traffic amount. But only three ACH-callsigns were in the air over the whole eventtime, although or should I say because both airports had really good teams to bring the pilots up and down.
There is nothing more to say!
Was not meaning to advertise just if someone is flying on there they know callsignal can be used.

Not meaning to start a argue. But people them self should decide where to fly on whatever network they want.
Like comparing freeware addon to payware addons.

I like all networks. But I can edit my post with no price tag of course since this is just information IF pilots are flying on that network.
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