IVAO Online Status

Users Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Good Morning Guy´s,

Why is an online flight at IVAO not displayed as an online flight and counted?
can you elaborate on that a bit more? How are you filing your reports? which client do you use ?
Hi Frank,
I always fly IVAO and my flights are visible, online and counted.
For recording the flight I use XARCARS

Christopher Bennett said:
can you elaborate on that a bit more? How are you filing your reports? which client do you use ?
i use FSAcars
so, looked on the screen, i´m online in IVAO with XACRAS, and the Plane are yellow not blue:
I will have a look at the code for the map when I am at home Monday

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no change, no online status @ IVAO

Ok so I had a look at the code it's fine on our side. However IVAO informed me of issues with the data stream and in their department. They hope to have it resolved soon.
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