New Superb x737-700 Donationware

Jesco Freund

Beta Team
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Today 7:25 PM
X-Plane tube liner pilots long knew that the x737-800 by EADT is one of the best free aircraft models available for X-Plane. With the introduction of a 3D cockpit in late 2016, Benedikt, Pierre and Lukas underligned the high demands they set on themselves. Just a couple of months later, they give us another sophisticated aircraft of their making:

The brand-new is there!

It perfectly fits with out fleet, and is the first custom 737 (i. e. apart from the default 738 by Laminar) on XP being XP11 ready (IXEG is still working on an update for their 733, and EADT has also not yet released an XP11 version of their x737-800).

Due to time constraints, I won't be able to paint a livery soon - but EADT has promised to provide a paint kit, so maybe someone else wants to have a go at it?
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