XArcas Site not working

Matthias Hoffmann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 6:16 PM
I'am actually flying offline, because my internet is actually not the best and wanted to contribute to Air-Child, so I decided to Download XAcars, but their website seems to be not working... Where can I get XAcars for Linux?

Here are the Screenshots from the XAcars-Site:

I've found this Downnload (probably someone else will need it later):

I'll edit this message to tell you if it works or not...

Edit: For some reason it's not working. Has anyone an idea how to figure out whats wrong?
I've figured out, that libssl.so.0.9.8 is missing... libssl is installed, but a newer version and I can't find this old version :-(

Please help me...
So. Now I know some more details...

- My Version of XAcars is 2.5.5
- The original source is down
- the alternate sources are flooded with spam (maybe the original site is gonna be hacked, to move the traffic to the spam sites)

So my Question:
Does anyonne has a newer Version of XAcars for Linux (AFAIK 2.5.6 should be enough) and can send me this one?
Finally I got XAcars working, after installing the dependencies from source (because the binaries of this pretty old versions are not available on official sites)...

If anyone else has problems with XAcars on Linux, msg me, I am glad if I could help flying with this wonderful virtual airline :)
Why didn't told me anyone, that XAcars 2.5.6 for all major OS (Linux, Mac, Win) is available in the personal files section :lol:
Glad you found it it was requested on the forum a while back when we discovered xacars site being down.
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