[X-Plane] Flightfactor 767-300

Christopher Bennett

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 9:27 AM
As of today, the Flightfactor 767-300 Entire Fleet Package is available through the Hangar.

it includes:

D-AKHK Katri Helena Kalaoja
SE-KHV Kasper Hvidt
D-ACWI Chris Wirowski
ZK-SMA Sean Malan
C6-PJO Prince Johnson
SE-TDY Trine Dyrhold
OE-DCH Daniel Chan
PP-EFO Eduardo Fontoura
VH-JKU Jaliba Kuyateh
VH-KCH Kelly Chen
OE-RAR Renato Aragao
PH-JJI Jirina Jiraskova
N12TL Téa Leoni
B-GAVA Gary Valenciano
B-STRI Strings
CC-EFR Enzo Francescoli
PH-KMA Kamila Magalova
PH-EAR Emilio Aragon
PH-RSH Ravi Shastri
D-ACHA Heinz J. Andersen

in GE/PW/RR Engine Variants available with or without winglets
(can be configured through the tablet)
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