Embraer 190 TCAS settings

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Today 11:15 PM

I've used the last weeks to make my typerating on the E190. I have a question regarding the TCAS Setting. May anybody can answer.

IN TCAS you can check/ unceck the options RANGE and ABS. Does anyone what it is for?

Thanks in advance

I don't know so much about Embraer systems, but i'll try to help you. I suggest you to check other sources too

TCAS RANGE - I'm not sure about EMB190 "range" options, but i think that must be selected to show you curent TCAS range(5Nm, 10Nm etc). To change TCAS range, you need to position your mouse on MFD and scroll your mouse whell, if i remember feelthere e-jets(i used them long time ago).

TCAS ABS - it's about relative and absolute altitude, if you flying at FL290 and other aircraft at FL310, you TCAS will show relative altitude +20 or absolute altitude FL310 - depending on selected mode
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