Air Child needs you!

Christopher Bennett

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 4:00 AM
Yes, you read that right,


We need your support to modernize our website.
Since it is very tedious to update a 15-year-old code with little or almost no documentation, we have decided to update the website as you know it only with critical patches and build a completely new website that is up to date with today's technology. For this, we are looking for helping hands.

We are hereby advertising the following positions:

Support Staff Member: Help us so our coding resources can be utilized to code instead of answering tickets.

Full Stack Developer: Help us code so we can get the new website finished even faster.
Technologies that will be used: PHP, MySQL (MariaDB), GitHub

If you know your way around just one of the above - we would be happy to hear from you.

Also please let us know your suggestions on what you think the new website needs.

Already on the list:

  • Manual Pirep filing function
  • SimBiref integration
  • Maps based on Leaflet for LiveACARS, Airport weather, etc.
  • Maintenance simulation
  • Financial simulation
  • The completion of our career system including type ratings to finally implement the professional career mode.
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Hi Chris,

As I did in the early company hours with the regretted Peter and Norbert, you can count on me for beta testing.

Thanks for the good job

Hi Captain's

One suggestion:
Limit the Charter use as in a real company.
looking the statistics, there are too many charter flights comparing to scheduled ones.

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