New discount program by Aerosoft

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 3:30 PM
Aerosoft have changed their system for VA discounts from this month. Instead of checking pilots lists for each of their partner VA's they will now issue codes for discounted products. That means the VA management will have to tell them by email how many codes they need for which product. Aerosoft will then return the requested number of codes and the VA staff will hand them to their members.

The new system makes things easier for Aerosoft, but for the VA it's more work. Therefor we decided to create a special page for pilots' code requests which is, in most parts, automated. You can find this "VA discounts" page in your "pilot's lounge", once you are logged in.
There you will see the discounted Aerosoft products (along with a general info for the discount on TOPCAT) and you can request a discount code by clicking on the respective button(s). We will set a time frame for each request period. Until the indicated date we are collecting your requests before we (automatically) send an email to Aerosoft. After the email is sent you will be notified that your request is being processed and a new deadline for the next request period will be set.
As soon as Aerosoft sends us the discount codes, they will be distributed to all members who asked for one.

I hope this doesn't sound too complicated. Once you try it, it should be pretty straight forward. If you have questions, go ahead. And please, read Aerosoft's announcement about the new discount program here:
The list of discounted products will be extended from time to time, just check our discounts page once in a while.

Some additional notes:

- Our little web application involved some programming and, although it was roughly tested, there might be some bugs hidden (there usually are). So, at the moment, consider this an official beta test. If you don't receive your discount codes some 10 days after the end of the request period, please tell us. At the moment we don't know yet how long it actually takes Aerosoft staff to send the codes.

- Please don't order codes for products you can not use (like FSX software for FS9 or X-Plane) or you already have.

- Remember that you need to have at least the rank of "Second Officer" to be entitled to VA discounts.
Here's a short update for those who requested discount codes from Aerosoft: We have sent the email to Aerosoft on Wednesday, last week. Until today no reply, let alone discount code, has been sent to us.
Sincerely, I didn't expect them to be fast, but if we don't get anything by tomorrow evening, we'll stomp on their feet.
Peter Schindler said:
Codes should arrive tomorrow....
Correction: so far we have only received the codes for FS FlightKeeper - and distributed them to the pilots who asked for them. Still waiting for the Maastricht X codes ...... :S
New info from Aerosoft, refering to the missing Maastricht codes:
Sorry we are having to get some more made up as soon as I have some I will send you them, sorry for the wait

on Monday they will get new requests from us. And we still don't have the last ones. I see a mess coming :rofl:
Hope you guys show some patience!
We finally received all the missing codes (for last month's requests) from Aerosoft. They have already been distributed to those waiting. You should all have a notification, after login.
Re: Discount program by Aerosoft

Important note to those who ordered or are going to order Aerosoft discount codes:

Aerosoft recently added a couple new products to the list of discounted add-ons. At the same time the Airbus X that is still on our discounts page went off sale and is replaced by the newer A31x and A32x Extended models. We will make changes to our VA Discounts page, as soon as possible.
In the meantime please note that, if you order a code for the Airbus X, you will get one for the A32x Extended.
Once we update the page, there will be both Airbus packages available, but for now all new codes will be for the A320/321 (which is the one we have in our fleet).
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