Hi guys

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Today 2:05 PM
Hello to everybody

I am Gian Marco Gallo, 23 years old. I am a student of computer science at the university of Padua (Italy) and I'm quite a software engineer.
Regarding this hobby, I'm a Vatsim member since 2005, I'm a C1 controller in Italy, I'm a pilot and I'm the training director of Vatita.

That's all. I hope to see you soon online.

Bye Bye :D
Gian Marco Gallo said:
Hello to everybody

I am Gian Marco Gallo, 23 years old. I am a student of computer science at the university of Padua (Italy) and I'm quite a software engineer.
Regarding this hobby, I'm a Vatsim member since 2005, I'm a C1 controller in Italy, I'm a pilot and I'm the training director of Vatita.

That's all.

That's all? Not more? :wink:
Welcome Gian Marco. Nice to have the next experienced member inside Air-Child.

Best Regards
Gian Marco Gallo said:
... That's all.
That's a lot!! ;)

Welcome to the Air-Child team, Gian Marco! Hope you enjoy your stay here although the site is only half ready. Despite the many missing parts we are scheduled for going public in January 2009 and therefor still looking for help.
Having read you are a software engineer, I'd like to point you to . Just in case...

I also read in your application that you love the MD-82. Don't be too disappointed that it's not in our fleet. We decided to include some "oldtimers" (and the MD-80 has to be considered as such now) for charters and special ops. This will include at least the 727 and MD-80.

uhm...let me see

Basic requirements
- good knowledge of HTML and CSS ---> ok, i have it
- some experience with Photoshop or Paintshop ----> i can use photoshop and gimp
- basic knowledge of PHP and SQL ----> ok, i have it. During the course for network security the teacher learned me how to create a SQL injection :D

Nice to have
- advanced knowledge of PHP and SQL ---> ok, i have it
- object oriented programming skills with php5 ---> no, i don't have it.
- basic knowledge of Javascript ---> uhm...i don't know :roll:

The full monty
- experience with the Zend Framework (although not used at the moment) and Subversion CVS (to be implemented) ----> no, I don't have it
- experience with Linux administration ---> I am a linux user and a mac user. I use windows only for playing/flying/controlling
- advanced knowledge of Javascript ---> as the basic knowledge
- XML, Ajax, Prototype, jQuery ---> I have basic knowledge with xml
- Flash / Actionscript ---> no, I don't know them

I am also a c++ and java programmer but I prefer c++ (more powerfull, more interesting, more difficult :D)
Thanks for your detailed answers, Gian Marco! I'd say you have 99 out of 100 points. ;)
I will send you a PM shortly.
don't worry, we don't ask for much ...
only that you quit your job and don't leave the house for the next six months

PM finally sent, btw
welcome aboard Marco.....This VA will rock....the idea and concept is just greeat...
As for administrators i have to point out they are all quick to hand a help and realize the things which have to be done....
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