Compared to the BAe Jetsream 4100

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Today 10:47 PM
Hi Guys,
which is comparable with the BAe Jetstream 4100 of the flight performance (speed),
the Dash or ATR?
Lets see those 3:

Base data: range and cruise speed:
BA41: 100nm 290kts @ FL290
DHC7: 1600nm 220kts @ FL210
AT72: 1500nm 275kts @ FL250

Capacity + MTOW:
BA41: Crew of two and 16 pax (29 in high density) = 10886kg
DHC7: Crew of two and 50 pax = 21320kg
AT72: Crew of two and 72 pax = 21500kg

2835nm 330kts @ FL330, crew of two and 92 pax (128 in max pack) = 70300kg... altough we have only full cargo version...
Hi I am not quite following your question ? I think in simulation world it should be more like more flyable or what do you enjoy to fly the most since this is not a job but hobby. I personaly like BAE since is simulated by pmdg however if I fly C130 I can fill her up she can just roll down the runway but will fly anyway ,so I think hard to say. I read somewhere that pmdg is doing DASH so lets wait for that one .
Petr, I think what Frank means is he wishes to fly the BAe Jetstream, but as it is not in our fleet here at Air-Child, he wants to know which aircraft in the fleet is the closest, so he can select that aircraft/flightplan, but fly with the Jetstream.
Yes Andrew, you are right :lol:
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