Download Flightplans

Christian Neumann

Beta Team
Users Local time
Today 10:23 PM
maybe this question is already somewhere in the forum, but let me ask it again.
On the comany-flightplan we have the button to download FS-Flightplan. But to me, it creates only FS9pln's. Do they work with FSX? - and, if not, is it possible to integrate the conversion to FSX?
Thanks in advance
Re: FS Flight Keeper Setup

FS9 flight plans do work with FSX without any issue.

I am sure the booking system was updated so that the plan now comes in FSX flight plan format anyway - though Peter can confirm this.
Re: FS Flight Keeper Setup

Christian, I just checked with your user login and your current booking. On the briefing page it clearly says "Generate flightplan for FSX". Anyway, as Andrew said, FSX reads FS9 plans as well. With no difference in processing the plan.

Additionally, I will soon change the briefing page to make flight plan format selectable. Especially for people who use multiple sims.
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