no (partly) visible traffic on VATSIM

Users Local time
Tomorrow 1:30 AM
Hello Folks,

I fly online with a 2PC setup: 1 desktop for FSX and 1 laptop for SB4, ASX, FlightKeeper, nDAC, etc.
The widefs and the simconnect works properly, when I am online I can see all the controlers, they can see me. Ther problem I can not see the traffic in my sourrunding, or just 1 or 2 planes, however I know there are severa other planes located in my sourrunding. I also recognized the planes what I can see are shown as the typical triangle with questionmark. The Flightkeeper AI traffic display able to show all the traffic...
Both PC runs win7 64bit.
I already tried to switch off the shadows in FSX, but it does not help for me.

Maybe any idea what could cause the problem?

Tibor, do you use an aircraft model with a functional TCAS system? If so, does your TCAS show nearby Vatsim traffic?
I admit I don't have a clue what it could be. Just trying to narrow down the problem.
Witch software You are using to connect with VATSIM?
Do You have all of below installed correctly:
- newest FSUIPC
- "VIP model set" for Squawkbox OR "MPP Airliners" for FSInn (there are also "MPP Generlal Aviation" and "MPP Military"

I think that XSquawkbox have no multiplaer models available and uses models installed in simulator for displaying multiplayer machines. That means, that such aircrafts must have correct identification names in their respective config files.
Thanks guys for the replies, unfortunately I will be able to continue with the testing next week as now I am on Easter vacation.
Anyhow, I am not sure iFly 737 has or not TCAS, but have not seen any traffic on that display. I will check PMDG 747, that for sure has TCAS. Anyway, good point I will check, but on the other hand FSFlightKeeper is able to show all the multiplayer traffic.

I use SB4, but also the missing models can be an issue, but than it should (least) show this famous triangles with question far as I know. As I have a new laptop, maybe this additional model installation is missing, so will check.
FSUIPC and WideFS is up to date, and works perfectly, least it seems to be perfect.

As soon as I have some result, I will come back.

For the time being have a nice Easter guys!

Tibor Kolena said:
good point I will check, but on the other hand FSFlightKeeper is able to show all the multiplayer traffic.
The difference between the two could be that FlightKeeper may read the data directly from Vatsim servers (not at all sure about that *), while TCAS uses FSX data input.
My guess was that if you don't see any TCAS traffic, it should be some data interface problem between SB/fsuipc and FSX. But if you can see traffic on the TCAS gauge it's more likely to be a display problem.

Happy holidays to you, too!

Edit: I just remembered that this must be the case. Without the proper path to Vatsim servers in the registry, FlightKeeper will not display Vatsim traffic.
OK, guys, it took for a while to test the system again.
So, the TCAS also does not show traffic
just figured out on the air-child live watch my flight is not shown as well
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