How do I know if I'm flying in controlled airspace?

Users Local time
Today 3:28 AM
Hello Captains :)

Today I experienced something strange: I was preparing myself to take off from LGAV and noticed that LGGG control was online however, as far I see from the map in FS Commander, LGAV is within the LGMD West airspace so I turned to UNICOM and carried on... a few minutes later, LGGG ctr contacted via private chat asking me to connect to his frequency and request clearance... within minutes he disconnected anyway so I am left with the doubt: why should I have contacted LGGG if I was NOT in LGGG airspace? :eek: Any explanation or hint is warmly welcome!

Bye bye
My fast search tells that LGMD is under LGGG, that means You contact LGMD only if there are LGGG & LGMD online or is only LGMD online.

So in other words LGGG controls whole Greece, but when there are more ATC online, whole airspace is splitted to sectors:
for 2 controllers: LGGG for south, and LGMD for north
for 4 controllers: LGGG east, LGGG west, LGMD east, LGMD west

Anyway that stuff is .

As I understand this page, the LGAV is a part in the LGGG area. I know, that some boundries in programs like DLMNm, VatSpy or other were not correct. May it is the same in FSC.

In doubt I just send a short message to the ATC Positon to ask, if they offer any services for the airport I fly from.
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