Emergency relief flights

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Today 7:26 AM
I rather enjoy flying mock missions in response to real life crisis.. if any of you are also interested in such, check out the following real life alerts from UNICEF.

Cargo and passenger flights to Chad, Somalia, Central and West Africa as well as Mali and many other areas correspond to some real life UNICEF activities.

I'll be flying a few virtual herc cargo flights from our home airfields to those areas and back the next few missions in response.

Lastly, know that we may be just flying virtual flights, but each flight helps fund these real life relief missions!!! Thank you each and every ACH Pilot!!

Fly safe,


Postscript--thanks for the bbcode tips peter..:)
Thanks for that, Lukas! Much appreciated :up:
Lukas Saintclair said:
I put spaces in the URLs above so they would come through in the post... just copy, paste and remove the spaces..:)
You can simply "wrap" those url's in the bbcode
See this page on using bbcode
Lukas Saintclair said:
I rather enjoy flying mock missions in response to real life crisis.. if any of you are also interested in such, check out the following real life alerts from UNICEF.

I like your idea! I'll give it a thought, it sounds really nice and it gives us pilots a new imaginary goal to fly for.
Lukas Saintclair said:
I'll be flying a few virtual herc cargo flights from our home airfields to those areas and back the next few missions in response.

Do you mean the c130 cargoplane? It aint in air-child's fleet no more is it? Although I'd like to try that plane once. Haven't flown it yet ;)

Anyway, great idea for some new flights!
Piet Biervlek said:
Do you mean the c130 cargoplane? It aint in air-child's fleet no more is it?
We call it a L100, which is less military and more "civil" ;) But it's the same thing.
Ah, I see. I understand where you're coming from. Anyway, in that case I might just give the L100 a try anytime soon! Thanks for your clearance.
Aye...sry... the herc was my bird in the USAF once upon a decade... calling it a c130 is just habit..:-( The ACH L100 skin looks very nice on the Captain Sim C130.... my hat is off to the designer/creator of the paint job indeed!!!! The L100 is a fun acft to fly..:)

Today I am in make-believe mode... and imagine that tons of relief cargo has been delivered to a hanger at LOWW and our major hubs ready for transport to Chad and other areas. I also imagine that there are a great number of medical personnel, teachers, relief workers, etc also at our hubs ready for transport to designated areas as well as wounded for evacuation from said areas ...

I am getting started today with a cargo flight to Chad.

I also noticed a post of an urgent action event posted from Norbert in December that I unfortunately missed..:-( Events like that can really help us get into the spirit of what we are really doing..:) Thanks Norbert!!

Fly Safe,
Dear Lukas and All

I very much sympathize with your ideas, partly because I love those old smoky propellers planes rather than the aseptic, computer-driven birds of nowadays... At the time of the crisis in Somalia I did my part:


but glad to reconsider it again soon.
Lukas Saintclair said:
The ACH L100 skin looks very nice on the Captain Sim C130.... my hat is off to the designer/creator of the paint job indeed!!!!


Probably the most dfficult 'paint kit' I've ever done the Air-Child livery on :up:
Another 30 tons supplies delivered to N'Djamena... I love our L-100!

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